
Always understand to serve


Our team of professionals at LAMCO has more than 18 years of experience. We offer specific marketing solutions based on the needs of today's consumers.
Do you need professional consultancy for your business?

Digital marketing

Thinking about the future?

The digital transformation of the company in our time represents continuous changes in the business's operative model and the communication with customers. Digital techniques and tools are here to strengthen traditional methods, making digital marketing a tool that is born and established through a change in mentality and a clear vision towards the future; a tool that develops new skills and talents that

Social Media Management

Social-MediaSocial media has transformed the way in which we communicate, leaving behind traditional methods.

Email Marketing

emailThis marketing technique is indispensable to endorse the actions and contact with the public.

Content Marketing

content-marketing Efficient analysis and management of the content to publish. The way in which we manage that content affects the experience of the user, as well as our image and credibility.


paginas-web We create and manage your web page as a business card you show your customers.

Strategic marketing

Analisis and strategy make the difference

Many businessmen do not have access to strategic marketing consultancy. There are many consultants, but only few have a firm comprehension and give solutions according to the current market. With over 18 years of experience, Lamco's strategic team will provide you with modern solutions that will help you to stay relevant amongst the current market needs.
Success is not about luck, knowing who we are, where we are, and where we want to be is key to know what we can offer the market. Good intuition guarantees successful results in the future of our clients.

Study of the consumer's habits and trends

habitos-consumoEthnographic and demographic studies to determine consumption trends.

Advertising evaluation

evaluacion-publicitariaEvaluating the effectiveness of your advertisement before it's appears on media.

Consumer reactions

reacciones Gathering and analysing opinion data about a product or service.

Measurement the impact of an advertising campaign

datos-campana Studies, surveys, and analysis about the reach of the campaign throughout different advertising media.

Evaluating consumer experience

experiencia-consumiedo Metrics to evaluate the consumer's experience and their opinion on products or services.

Operational Marketing

"Operational Marketing is about the activities that organize sale and communication strategies. This way possible consumers know the specific characteristics of the offered products. It's about a voluntary management of market penetration in the short and medium term, resembling the classic commercial management based on Porter's 4 ā€œP'sā€: product, price, place, and promotion.ā€
Operational Marketing is any of the activities that organize sale and communication strategies which are previously determined by strategic marketing and, thanks to both, be able to achieve your marketing goals.

Price elasticity

pricesMarket profitability, analysis, and cost study

Design of new products

nuevos-productosAnalysis of the design and development of a brand, packing, and label

Distribution channels

distribucion Distribution, sales, and product placement strategies.

Promotion and advertising

publicidad Development, study, and management of your advertising campaigns


ventas Market analysis and consumption studies

Corporate communication

ventas Management of internal and external communication and corporate image.

Political Marketing

Being big is not about size, it's about attitude

Electoral Surveys

sample-imageOpinion and attitude studies through a questionnaire answered by a determined demographic group.

Measurement of personal and corporate reputation

sample-imageAnalysis, study, and measurement of the individual's or organization's reputation.

Vote intention

sample-imageStudies and surveys to determine the percentage of approval of a candidate.

Opinion studies about a good government

sample-image Impact study based on the opinion of the population regarding an institutional management.


We watch over the interests of our clients as if they were our own.

Strategic consultancy

sample-image Strategic consultancy designs the path for a company to follow. It's about choosing which path to follow in all of the company's segments, implementing the action course in the right way and apply corrective measures if any deviations happen.

Financial consultancy

sample-image Financial consultancy advises companies on subjects regarding the economical management of their company. It tries to achieve the best financial situation possible with the current resources, minimizing risks and supporting the client.

Mantente en contacto

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Condesa, CDMX
México, 06410
